9. October 2023 | Uncategorized
Another stain on humanity Another scar we can’t heal Another warning, another warning (Remember Russia, Fisher Z, From: Word Salad, United Artists Records, 1979) Could this mess have been avoided? In short, yes, we could have prevented this war. Interpreting...
9. October 2023 | Uncategorized
Today I went to give a climate talk at my old high school in Geneva — and was given a masterclass in our failings. This is the story of a day that shook me up. I have given climate talks at high schools before. In 2019, I was invited by the first Geneva climate...
9. October 2023 | Uncategorized
I have been watching science fiction films and reading sci-fi books all my life. Space operas are my thing. For me they deal with the fundamental issues of our lives: how we relate to ourselves and the world, how we deal with otherness, and how technology changes our...
9. October 2023 | Uncategorized
“Take a moment to think about how much energy and effort it takes for an army to conquer countries and nations. Think about what we are capable of. Compared to war, our actions for peace need to be even harder and go further. They need to reach people’s hearts.”...
9. October 2023 | Uncategorized
Research in recent years – and indeed in decades – has shown a worrying trend across the Northern Hemisphere: people’s satisfaction with democracy is declining. Compared to 2005, almost a fifth of all respondents have been dissatisfied worldwide1,...